Tuesday, 10 November 2009


Finally. Freedom. FFS.

This semester, UWA raped my ass through and through. It's fucking nuts how bad it went.

Sigh. I'll have to wait and see.

But first.....


Sunday, 1 November 2009


Well, it's exam period, so it sucks. So I wouldn't even elaborate on that.

End of story.

Now I have switched from Mozilla to Chrome, which is a much better interface than mozilla if you ask me. Once I started using Chrome, it's very hard if you ask me to move back to Mozilla, something about it, it seems... Faster in some way. Facebook-ing has never been this fast with Firefox before. But that was FF 3.0.1. I heard there's an upgrade to 3.1, with a duplicate version of the Incognito Mode of Chrome. LOL!

Here's an extract of an article:

"Many reasons (besides being infamously used as Porn mode) to use private mode are given on Mozilla Wiki which includes private browsing session to research a medical condition, or plan a surprise vacation or birthday party for a loved one."

Surprise vacation or birthday party... Aw... So sweet of them to say this.

Jump on the chrome boat guys!

P/s: Mate, geng, chpr and cits are gay.

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Study break + Exam

Ok, now starts the worst three weeks of the semester....

Study break. Wait. Scracth that, it should be called study week! Damn... So much stuff to study it's not funny!

Graphics is so gg, since I have been skipping most lectures. Now to catch up... Sigh...

Heat and mass should be ok I hope, since I understand most of it, and it's open book. And it helps that it's the last exam.

Materials is kinda hard since need to memorise! I reiterate :




Lucky for Geng, it's the same freaking question format every year. The only thing we can hope for is that it doesn't change. If change then I might as well get a gun and shoot myself.

Oh welz, just a quick update.. Back to study!

Friday, 2 October 2009

Another FML post

Got the worst few teammates for one of my projects, who have no idea of what's going on. FML.
No internet at home and only can go online in uni. FML.
Forgot to submit my assignment online (hard copy submitted). FML.
Gonna miss out drinking tomorrow night. FML.
Haven't had a good night sleep in a few days straight. FML.
Assignments piling up and projects due soon. FML.

Sunday, 27 September 2009


The damn workload is killing me.

Nuf said.

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Holiday Gloom

Despite all the complaints during uni time about how the holidays will be a bliss, I find that this study break ain't nothing like what I expected.

Projects, meetings, assignments, reports! GAH!

Believe it or not, I have been to uni during the study break more than I had during any given week during uni time. That's how much I have been going to uni. WTF! Study break! It's supposed to be a break for study, not break TO study!

The lecturers just decided to do this: "Oh, how are we supposed to screw up the students' break? I know, by setting assignments, and setting projects for them to do! "

And one more thing, my graphics project is not out yet, despite all the big talk from our lecturer. "Oh, I'll release it on Friday (before study break)". Now we are at Saturday of study break. Go Davies! (...)

Sigh... And uni's back on Monday. Go me...




最近超煩的!雖然說是放期中假,但是我還是好像每天都去大學似的。真的是豈有此理!Meeting 啦,project啦,交assignment啦。。 這些人都不知道會不會用腦的。。他媽的!

再來説說我的近況吧。最近才發現到,寄人籬下的痛苦。我看啊,如果今年年尾我能夠賺夠錢的話,我鐵定搬出去,好過在家受人氣。 Haiz。。

哇塞。。 突然發現華文超難打的。 都不知道以前是怎麽打的。。 太生疏的關係吧。。看來是時候再來訓練訓練一下了。

前天去大學的時候,本來是想要去健身室去的,但是突然發現沒有帶學生卡。。吊。。 害我不知道要幹嗎。。但是好在籃球場有幾個人在打球,我就心血來潮,心想好久沒打,看有沒有退步。結果。。。 退超多的!射十粒才進兩三粒罷了。。 哇靠。。 看來又是時候再練習練習一下了。但是問題就在很少人打啊。。。 真是左右爲難。。。

最近瘋上了Mafia Wars 跟 Mouse hunt, 都是FB的遊戲。大家可以試看看。

Friday, 28 August 2009


Feel like updating my blog, but don't know what to write, so you might see there's no connection whatsoever in the following paragraphs, since i just write whatever comes to mind..

I've been playing heaps of games, and study quite a bit as well. So big claps for myself there! *clap* Everyone should start playing Castle Age on Facebook! It's awesome*awesome. It's awesome^2! And GodGame mahjong! Oh my god... Can't believe I just found out something that good.... that should hold my mahjong thirst for a while! :D

Been having this one hell of a sore throat.... Feel like I'm coughing up my lung, stomach and intestines. Sometimes, I cough out something that is definitely not supposed to belong in my body.... Sorry to those who has just eaten.

Something terrible happened last week... I got my first flash! (I think...) The I think part is because I don't know whether it is meant for me or not... If it's for me, then it's cause I turned left when i'm not supposed to (though I still say I can turn!)

been playing Killer Sudoku again... Hell awesome...

Anyway... Signing off for now.


Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Have you ever had a day where when you start out, you set out a list of stuffs which you're going to do, then at the end of the day, you look back and realize you done nothing on the list?

Well, I have been having these kind of days quite often nowadays. I've been procrastinating on a lot of things, skipping uni just because I only have 1 lecture, not studying at all for the whole day.... The list just keeps getting longer and longer.

The passion is just not there. What happened to the 18 year-old kid who crams study like there's no tomorrow? I looked at my results from high school, and it's omg totally different from what I had now. Last semester was an anomaly, but throughout my uni years, I have been happy to settle for a CR, not aiming for a higher grade. Have I sunk so low so as to settle for something like that? Sure, CR means I pass, but should I really be happy about it?

Maybe it's time for me to re-evaluate myself.

Maybe I should aim for a better result.

Maybe I should stop watching series.

Maybe I should stop reading manga.

And maybe I should hope for money to fall from the sky,
the sun to rise from the west and
the wind to stop blowing.


Oh welz, all kidding aside, I should really start studying more. LOL!

Monday, 24 August 2009


Just read this from Bowling King manga. It's apparently a poem, although Shauteh Leh (the main character) and the other people find it dull, I actually find it interesting.

Thank people who have injured you, because they have trained your heart's will.
Thank people who have cheated you, because they have allowed you to gain knowledge.
Thank people who injure you, because they have invigorated your personality.
Thank people who have whipped you, because they have lit the fire in your passion.
Thank people who have tripped you, because they have strengthened your legs.
Thank people who have scolded you, because they have reminded you of your flaws.
Thank people who have abandoned you, because they have taught you independence.

It actually makes sense. Though many people probably think otherwise.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009


My life just sucks.

Today, I received one of the most depressing emails I'll probably receive:

"Hi wilfred, unfortunately we won't be able to continue the practicum. Sorry,"

Wow. One sentence. A stab to the heart. And as you all very well know, I'm pretty sick atm, so I literally blacked out when I saw this. Took me like half a minute to regain my composure.

Now I'll have to go look for Vacation work somewhere else, and hopefully I can get one, seeing I missed out some companies already.

My life still sucks, no matter how many times I say this.



Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Semester 2

Wow.. Suddenly realised my blog has been sitting here growing moss for so long already. Thought I might update a bit and giving ppl who care an update of my life.

Second semester just started, and this is going to be one of my more hectic semesters. This is due to the fact that I'm overloading, in order to finish my course by 2011. If not I will have to do another semester, which means more money (living expenses + food + ... you get the idea).

This semester I'm doing CITS3200, CITS2231, MATE1412, CHPR2432, and GENG2140.

CITS3200 is Professional Computing, which is kinda like IPE in the sense that we have to program something to be presented to a client, instead of just doing research. This is going to suck, as the project is worth 75% and it is liek a semester-long project.

CITS2231 is Graphics, which I haven't done much for it yet. I only know I have to program in C, which is among one of my most hated programming language, and I have to use OpenGL, which I have no prior knowledge of. But hopefully it won't get out of hand.

MATE1412 is Materials Engineering 1, which shouldn't be too hard, as most of the stuff I already learnt in Manufacturing. But I hate memorizing stuff. Hopefully I get through it ok.

CHPR2432 is Heat and Mass Transfer. This is so damn hard for me. Three lectures in a week and a tutorial to boot, and the lectures ain't easy as well. The lecturer just skimmed through the equations before I even know what it means. Maybe because this is supposed to be a Chemical Process unit, and the other students already know how to do them, but since I am doing this as an optional unit, it's pretty hard for me.

GENG2140 is Computer Analysis for Engineer (or something like this), which is pretty much a joke. Right now I attended two lectures only out of 7, and those two are freaking useless. The assignments ain't a pushover though. But due to "help" from previous year students, I should be able to get through fine. :P

This sem is going to be a bitch. :'(


Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Winter Vacation and Work

Wow.. Suddenly realise I haven't updated this blog since the start of holidays. So here I go..

Been pretty busy lately. Mainly because of RGIS stocktaking jobs and hanging out with friends, RGIS stocktaking takes up most of my time though.

So far, my job for RGIS has taken me to quite a few places. The furthest I have been to is to Rottnest Island. Imagine taking the bus at 530 in the morning to get to the jetty at 7. LOL! Then taking the ferry at 730 to an island to do stocktaking. Luckily I'm getting paid for the trip, if not I wouldn't even consider going there. But all in all, it's a good trip, though two of our colleagues decided to take the second ferry. And no, they're not a couple, and no, they're both guys. OMG! Are you thinking what I'm thinking? ....

Been counting cards for RGIS so much that I don't want to see another postcard or greeting card again in the near future. So, if anyone send me a postcard or a greeting card, be prepared to face my wrath!

Been trying to do as much sports as possible. So far in the holidays, I've been to gym twice only. Played badminton twice. No basketball.. hell fail.. Will try to get as much gym as possible since...

Wait for it....

Wait for it....




I've got a new job!

Yes! This is my new workplace. Centre for Software Practice. I'm officially a practicum student and am currently a programmer!

Centre for Software Practice is based at UWA, which means during the holidays, I have to take the bus to uni everyday. Yippe? The bus to uni is so scarce, and if it wasn't for the no. 79 bus, it'll be even less. Thank god for Queen Elizabeth Hospital. LOL!

I just started work today, and oh what a work it is. When I walked into it, I looked at the screen of my colleagues, I went WOW! It's programming at a whole new level.

Right now, they have a pretty big project. (From what I heard, it's worth a few million :O) It involves developing an electronic medical management system, which allows medical records to be transferred between health professionals. It sounds so cool that at first I wanted to jump in to the project immediately. It sounds like something from Godhand Teru (a manga I am currently reading! One hell of a manga. Definitely should read), only that this is real life.

I said at first didn't I?

Yeah... Right now I'm stuck with the basics of basics of the programming language that they use, AJAX and Visual C#. I have no experience with these two languages at all, which leads me to a series of problems. Right now I'm focused on developing a To-Do List system that uses a database system, and which enables different users to add tasks or edit existing tasks. I sort of got the gist of it already, hopefully I get it done by tomorrow. I was so focused on doing this project, because I want to get to the real big project as soon as possible, that I didn't even eat lunch! OMG! I just continued on doing the project and by the time I look at my watch, it's 430. WTF! I even bought some clothes planning on going gym today, but at the end, I'm so mentally and physically exhausted that I couldn't stand it anymore, and just took the bus home.

Funny thing about my workplace is that, there are three Tims! Tim 1 is the oldest and is teaching me the basics. Tim 2 I haven't really talked to much. Tim 3 is a practicum student like me, except that he is a much hardcore programmer compared to me, so he caught on really fast. Woe is me.... Hopefully I can catch on asap!

If I can cope with this, hopefully I can get a job here during the end of year. Then that's 2 months of vacation work secured. Hmm... Let's not jynx it! ..

That's all for now! Bye!

Wednesday, 17 June 2009


Holy shit!

I can't believe it!

I survived the ordeal!

Now what?


Last exam


9 more hours till freedom

Go me.

Monday, 15 June 2009

So near yet so far

Sigh... I can almost see the end of this exam tunnel.. But so near yet so far...

2 more to go



5pm of wednesday.. You seem so far away..

But once I catch you.. *sinister laughter*

Saturday, 6 June 2009

Songs + Miscellaneous

Recently heard this song, and I LOVE IT!

Aerosmith: Don't wanna miss a thing

Wow, I love this song. Granted, Steven Tyler looks like a fag, but still I like this song!

And yeah, exams are coming. So, boohoo!

Oh welz, back to study!

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Studying in Uni

Studying at home always leads to manga, series, ps2 and other stuffs that doesn't concern uni work in a million years.

Therefore, I have made a point in taking a 45 mins trip to uni to study, and excluding the time of updating this god-forgotten blog, and lunch + dinner time (+ time that lionel dragged me to play minesweeper with him), I've been pretty productive. For one thing, I finished off most of my ELEC2300, and finished reading through the notes for CITS2232, and are starting the past papers for CITS2232. Woop!

Haven't touch anything for my second week exams though. They are open book exams, which scares the crap out of me, since that means they are going to be much harder. OMG!

And yeah, I got paid today! WOHO! Finally not poor any more! Need to work more during the holidays!

Now back to studying!



Didimau didimau!

Tuesday, 2 June 2009


YEAH!! EXAMS! WOHO! It's finally here! Three cheers! Hip hip ............!

Oh wat the hell... Who am I kidding! This fucking sucks.

8,10,16,17 June, these will be my exam dates, and one of which will not even count towards my final result, but will still appear on my academic transcript! FML

Oh welz, that means I can pay more attention on the other three I suppose, two of which are open book exams, which means they will be hellishly hard. FML

And on top of that, there's like heaps of jobs for RGIS these two weeks! And I can't go to them cause of these exams! FML

On the other hand, I will be able to work my ass off during the holidays, and earn money! YEAH!!!

Oh welz. Back to study. Just thought I should update this sad sad blog I'm trying to maintain but fail miserably, and it's dying slowly but surely, due to the lack of readership. Sigh... Well, more time for me to rant about nonsense! WOHO!

Have fun, all fellow sufferers!

Monday, 18 May 2009

Nba Conference final

Finally, getting my buzz back!

Second round:
Rocket-Lakers: 2-4 --> 3-4
Mavericks-Nuggets: 2-4 --> 1-4
Hawks-Cavaliers: 1-4 --> 0-4
Magic-Celtics: 4-2 --> 4-3

I predicted the winning teams correctly, but didn't get any spot ons though.

Conference finals:
Lakers-Nuggets: Very hard choice, but I still think lakers will win 4-3
Cavaliers-Magic: Easy choice! 4-2 to cavaliers!

Monday, 4 May 2009

Stupid Manga screwing up my life

Been reading so much manga and watching so much movies this few days that even I myself felt ashamed.

So, from now on:
- Only two and a half men and how i met your mother on tuesday
- Only Naruto, Bleach, One Piece and other WSJ manga.
- Watch new movies only on weekends.

May I be strong enough to fulfill what I said above.

Au revoir. 

Sigh... This is the worst prediction I ever did.
Last year, I predicted only one wrong. But this year, three wrong. Sigh!!!
Two right ons though! That's pretty good.

Trailblazers really disappoint me. But after seeing how rockets played, I'm not suprised.
And Hornets! WTF! Billups really made a difference in Nuggets.
And Heats... SIGH!!! I see them lose ah! So sad!

First round:
Lakers-Jazz: 4-1 -> RIGHT ON
Trailblazers-Rockets: 4-2 -> 2-4
Spurs-Mavericks: 3-4 -> 1-4
Nuggets-Hornets: 2-4 -> 4-1

Cavaliers-Pistons:4-1 -> 4-0
Hawks-Heats:1-4 -> 4-3
Magic-76ers:4-2 -> RIGHT ON
Celtics-Bulls: 4-2 -> 4-3

Prediction for round two. Not sure about celtics prediction though. Garnett not there poses a problem. And they seem to like going overtime lol! Lets see how perkins and davis go against howard.
Second round:
Rocket-Lakers: 2-4
Mavericks-Nuggets: 2-4
Hawks-Cavaliers: 1-4
Magic-Celtics: 4-2

Friday, 1 May 2009

Epic How i met your mother

Lol!! This is epic How i met your mother!

Can't find a youtube clip for it, but yeah. The dialog is as below:

Ted: Barney, the three day rule is insane. Who even came up with that?

Barney: Jesus

Marshall: Barney, please, not with Jesus

Barney: Seriously Jesus started the whole wait three days thing. He waited for three days before coming back to life. It was perfect. If he had only waited for one day, a lot of people wouldn't have heard that he died. They will be like:"Hey, Jesus, what up?" Then Jesus will be like :"What up? I died yesterday." And they would be all :"Er, you look pretty alive to me,dude." Then Jesus would have to explain to him how he was resurrected and how it was a miracle. And the dude will be like "OK, whatever you say bro."

Barney: And he's not going to come back on a saturday. Everybody will be busy. Doing their chores, work in a loom, trimming their beard. No, he waited the exact right number of days, three.

Barney: Plus, it's Sunday, everyone will be in church already. And everyone will be like:"Oh no, Jesus is dead." And then "BANG!" He bursts through the back door, runs up the aisle, everyone totally psyched, and FYI, that's when he invented the high-five. True story.

Maybe you don't find it funny, but it is. Seriously. True story.

Thursday, 30 April 2009


Ran across the poem that we painstakingly memorized when I was in high school
Life's brief candle

To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

To many of you, maybe this brings back bad memories. Stupid teacher asking us to memorize the whole freaking thing, when we all know that it's not going to be useful in future.

But now, when I look back, it actually makes sense now. Maybe it's the few more years of life that makes me see through the meaning of this poem.
Sad, unwanted, insignificant, that may be the only way we can describe our life.
When we go when the time is right, who else will remember, except for those who knows us? It's like an actor who is only remembered by his performance.

My explanation of this poem may be different from the original meaning, but I personally think that a person's life will only be remembered if he does something significant that will shake the world. People in the past had done this constantly: landing on the moon, finding new land, exploring the artics, inventing stuffs. These people are only remembered due to the stuffs they do, as an actor with his performance. This is definitely not wat shakespeare had in mind when he wrote the poem above, but who says I can't have a different opinion?

So here's my resolution, I'm going to do something big that will let me be remembered, or tried to anyway. If I must be a stepstool to someone bigger, I wouldn't mind. Personally, I would love to be one of the people who actually manage to achieve artificial intelligence. that's one of my biggest dream: to see something artificial that can communicate with us. Not those "ERICA" thing, but something that is near human intelligence.

Boy, I know I rambled off topic a little today. but who the f**k cares?

Until next time.

Tuesday, 28 April 2009



I was in a pretty good mood when I woke up this morning.

But when I opened my computer and go to nba.com

I almost fainted.

By seeing this

Worst loss of the postseason in NBA history.

Congrats Hornets, you just made history. Happy?

Friday, 24 April 2009


Heard a very very old song today, something I haven't heard since like forever. Love it still!

All Star -Smash mouth
Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb
In the shape of an "L" on her forehead

Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming
Back to the rule and I hit the ground running
Didn't make sense not to live for fun
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb

So much to do so much to see
So what's wrong with taking the back streets
You'll never know if you don't go
You'll never shine if you don't glow

Hey now you're an All Star get your game on, go play
Hey now you're a Rock Star get the show on get paid
And all that glitters is gold
Only shooting stars break the mold

It's a cool place and they say it gets colder
You're bundled up now but wait 'til you get older
But the meteor men beg to differ
Judging by the hole in the satellite picture

The ice we skate is getting pretty thin
The waters getting warm so you might as well swim
My world's on fire how about yours
That's the way I like it and I never get bored

[Repeat Chorus 2x]

Somebody once asked could I spare some change for gas
I need to get myself away from this place
I said yep what a concept
I could use a little fuel myself
And we could all use a little change
Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming
Back to the rule and I hit the ground running
Didn't make sense not to live for fun
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb
So much to do so much to see
So what's wrong with taking the back streets
You'll never know if you don't go
You'll never shine if you don't glow

[Repeat Chorus]

Sunday, 19 April 2009

NBA Playoffs

It's that time of the year again. NBA Playoffs.
For those of you who don't know, I'm a pretty hardcore NBA fan. I follow all the NBA games, even though I have no satellite to watch it on.

And for now, the playoff season is now on. My favourite team, Phoenix Suns didn't make it to the playoffs because they did a pretty stupid trade which involved trading two of their best players away for an undecided player. Sigh.... Bad trades and bad coaching = Fail team. Better luck next year guys.

Here's my take on this years playoffs: WOW!

As I predicted, Cleveland finishes the season as the top of the league, and Kobe's Lakers finishes second in the league. These two MVP contenders will rock the stage in my opinion, and no team, and I repeat, no team WILL pose a threat to them. Maybe Celtics for Cleveland, but for the West, no one will be able to stop the Lakers.

Here's my prediction:

1st Round:
Lakers-Jazz: 4-1
Trailblazers-Rockets: 4-2
Spurs-Mavericks: 3-4
Nuggets-Hornets: 2-4

Celtics-Bulls: 4-2

This is my prediction so far. Let's see how many of them come true.

But I can so totally see what will be in the final:
Yeah. This is what I see. No. Not Lebron and Kobe doing some gay stuff. Them in the finals. LOL.

Au revoir

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Uni soon

Damn, the study break is almost over, and I haven't done crap yet.
So far, I only finished like part of my freaking CS2 assignment, and some part of my lab for Databases.
So freaking screwed.
Parents leaving tomorrow, so I will so totally 闭关 for a whole day to do everything I planned.

Sigh.. No life for this kid.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Bucket List

Just finished watching this movie, which in my opinion is pretty interesting.
Though it is a pretty dark movie, saying two guys who are on the verge of dying, it's the fact that they tried to live their lives to the fullest that really interests me.
Bucket list = Things to do before kicking the bucket.
This lead me to thinking what my own list is.
Let's see now:

(1) To see the Aurora in the Northern Countries. Dancing of the Spirits...
(2) To not worry about a thing in the world.
(3) To get maids to clean up after I leave my mess behind.
(4) To leave my mark in history. (I don't know, maybe I somehow invented something that suprised the whole freaking world)
(5) To visit the vast space above us. Space station, or future colonies on other planets.
(6) To submerge into the depths of the seas in a submarine.
(7) To visit all the continents on Earth. So far I have only been on Asia and Australia. 5 more to go!
(8) To help a man fulfill his lifelong dream
(9) To drink every liqueur known to mankind. (not including cocktails)
(10) To eat a food local to every nation at least once.

I know some of these stuff is never gonna be able to be achieved. But hey, I can dream, can't I?

Monday, 13 April 2009


What is Luck?
Definitely not what I encountered in the last couple of weeks.
Unless you include bad luck.
Let's recap:
(1) One number away from winning the Jackpot for Bingo
(2) One Letter away from winning the scratchie I bought
(3) One too many for my blackjack hand in Burswood
(4) One typo that caused my laptop to crash (thanks Databases!*sarcastically)

Something greater than me is asking me not to gamble, or not to study.

But if I don't do the above stuff, what am I to do?

Sunday, 12 April 2009


Sigh. Study break that is not really a break.

Assignments to do:
(1) Databases labs and a mid sem test when I go back
(2) Embedded lab
(3) CS2 assignment
(4) Vibrations assignment


Saturday, 11 April 2009


I am going to refute what you guys have been saying about me:

I can't fish!

After an unsuccessful career of being a fisherman which lasted only for 2 hours, which only involves me "feeding" the fishes, I retire.

Yes, I know. Shut up you guys!

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Study Break

Study break has started. But I'm not excited at all.

Study break is supposed to be break from study, not break for study. Get your priorities right lecturers!

Been hell lucky these few weeks for my embedded lab. Been scavenging answers off my friends, and although it didn't work for them, it worked for me. Feel hell bad...

Parents here. Still deciding whether I want to go down south with them during study break or not. Sigh... If only my assignments are not piling up!

Oh welz... Back to procrastinating.. :D

Tuesday, 7 April 2009



Friday, 3 April 2009

Update again

Well, my life's been going past very slowly. Snail pace slow. Glacier slow. Continental drift slow. Hell, as crazy as this may sound, I kinda miss the lifestyle in high school, where we have test like almost every day. The rush, the excitement. I know I'm going to go nuts cause I'm actually suggesting more work is better, but hell... Life's been boring..

Embedded is being a bitch as usual. Funny thing though. My program didn't even work, but the lab demonstrator still gave me full mark. I was like... "Ooookkkkkkk, so what's the catch?" LOL! 9/10 (1 mark off cause I didn't do the bonus point question) but who's complaining? The guy beside me was like WTF! His program did almost the same thing as mine, but he got 4/10! LOL! Maybe the other lab demostrator is being a bitch or something.

CS2 is becoming hell weird. I feel like I'm back in MATH1010 or something. Back to fourier transform and stuff... LOL!! Got used to David's accent. Frequency = fruitsy... SIF!

Databases... Been very behind for my labs, cause when I try to run the script in my laptop, it keeps crashing. Damn SQL! Going to try it in uni like next week or something.

Vibrations is starting to get interesting, now that the intro parts are done. I should start reading the ebook and do the freaking assignment. Should should should..

Been to the tav quite a bit these few weeks. So "quite a bit" that I started to just put my passport in my bag, so when my friends just call me, I will just go. LOL! Don't drink much though. Yeah yeah. You guys can doubt that, but it's true.

The weather here is starting to get a bit cold. Pretty sure I coming down with something. Flu, fever, cold, something disgusting. Hope I will get better soon, if not I'll be so GGed when my parents come. LOL!

Anyway, gotta go to lecture now!


P/s: 5 Seconds Mourning for Desmond's wallet... ... ... ... ... Ok.. Mourning done! Now I'll continue lauging! :D Speeding fine wtf!

P/p/s: never make promises with lionel anymore, cause he just ends up standing you up!

P/p/p/s: Need more money. Anyone? Anyone?

Thursday, 26 March 2009


Wow. I am so happy and relieved right now! Knowing I don't need to overload for 3 semesters really really really really * infinity times really happy!

As many of you might know, I'm changing from mechatronics to mechanical, so I have to sacrifice some units (so i thought).. Which means if I still want to finish in 5 years, I will need to freaking overload 3 units, not to mention the amount of money I have to pay... If I don't overload, I will be staying here for 1 more year, due to the units being sem 1 and sem 2 units.. There I thought, damn.,..

But something amazing happened.
After a talk with Dianne Hestermann, my course advisor, she said
I could possibly get some of my electrical units to count as my optional units,
since they are about engineering as well.
I was like: If that is even possible, I would be most grateful!
She said she will check with the head of school, and give me a reply asap.
Today, I received the most relieving email I will ever receive in my inbox:

Thanks Dr. hestermann.

Let's calculate the cost I saved:
Three units: 3 x 11000 = 33000AUD
1 AUD = RM2.45
33000 x 2.45 = RM80850
RM80850 = a lot a lot of money
a lot of money = food, drink, car, games, ps3, tv, .............. you get my idea

Sigh.. Relief much!

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Parallel World

I believe in a parallel world.
In that world, the other me is hell awesome,
no f*ing worries, a rich billionaire, just being a happy guy.
Wish I can go to that world, and not seeing this:

Sigh... Stupid embedded systems lab...

Friday, 20 March 2009

Sleeping lecture

Location : bloody lecture theatre
Lecturer: Thomas braunl
Condition: half brain dead due to stupid embedded system

Just can't stand the monotonic voice of his already. Thirty minutes to go. Sigh...

P/s: using an iPhone to blog is a bitch!!!

Wednesday, 18 March 2009


This blog has been non-existent for quite a long time.. So long that even I myself forgot what my website is.

Been... Well.. Can't say I'm busy cause Lionel's will surely pick up a chair and throw at me if I said that. I have been getting involved in quite a few things lately - gym, basketball, badminton, tennis, studying, playing my card games, playing computer games, read manga, hanging out with friends, sleeping.... basically everything you can think about a uni student except clubbing.

I am a little behind in my studies, but nothing a enclosed session in the library study room won't get me through, so yeah... Still considered up-to-date i guess (A bit contradicting, I know, but i just type whatever comes through my mind).

Right now, I have reached to a point where i am seriously considering my career outcomes. Mechatronics... Back in malaysia, everyone just go:"What's mechatronics?" From what I have heard from ppl who graduated from mechatronics and trying to get a job in malaysia, the chances are you might as well go to the wall and try to beg for some money off it. Therefore....


Big bomb! I am still keeping my computer science degree, cause it is starting to get interesting right now. Not that I don't like mechatronics! Oh yeah, I just loveeeeeeee Thomas Braunl and all hey! (Catch my sarcasm?) it's just that my career is on the line here and I don't want to jeopardise my career just because I don't want to change my old-fashioned mind...

Ohh wellz.. That's water under the bridge now.

Tennis.. how should I say this.... is legend- wait for it- dary!!! So fucking awesome! Wish i can play everyday, which I am unable to do... So different from badminton... It's awesome to get involved in a new sport. So much to learn, so little time to do it! Thanks Des and Nick!

Ok... Enough blogging for now.. I will try to update more often from now on, since I am on my computer whenever i'm home... So sad I know... Sigh... now off to playing badminton

Coming from Reid library, i say good day!

Saturday, 28 February 2009

Back in Perth + Uni

Well, obviously I'm back in Perth already and uni has started for a week now. So what's my take on uni life this sem? Let''s see...

Databases: This unit looks hard, and there seems to be heaps of stuff to memorize. But at least the lecturer talks clearly and easy to understand. Hopefully can get good marks for this.

Embedded System: Well, Thomas is back. And I ain't loving it. Two hour lecture on a friday and being my only lecture? Not fun not fun...

Circuits: Funny lecture. David sure knows how to crack ppl up. Not the jokes he make, but the accent... LOL! Sure is funny when you listen carefully to what he says. Frequency = Fruity, Datum = Dum.

Signals: JPan tries to make jokes that are not funny, but he just stops talking to see who laughs. Stone is back!!! WHOOP! Love his lectures like usual. Thought he is retiring, but apparently no one wants to teach this unit, so he just comes back, in addition to play his favourite touch rugby!

Lectures are boring as usual. Been sleeping in some, skipped some, but who hasn't?

Miss my basketball and badminton, which I played quite often back in Kuching.. Sigh.. Those days.. Back here, I have to ask my friend to drive me home after badminton club session, which is crap btw, cause the floor is so fucking slippery! Man.. The number of time I almost fell down! Basketball.. Sigh.. Doubt I will be playing much, if any, this sem.

Hanging out with friends are still fun. Bbt-ing, conca's, and so on so forth. Lionel calling the new bar in Broadway "McLarens" is a bit unbearable, since we don't really drink there.. LOL.

Work as usual, trying to earn as much as I can. Sigh at the low pay and the long drives....

Nothing much happened, nothing interesting, as that is just how my boring life goes! lOl..