Friday, 1 May 2009

Epic How i met your mother

Lol!! This is epic How i met your mother!

Can't find a youtube clip for it, but yeah. The dialog is as below:

Ted: Barney, the three day rule is insane. Who even came up with that?

Barney: Jesus

Marshall: Barney, please, not with Jesus

Barney: Seriously Jesus started the whole wait three days thing. He waited for three days before coming back to life. It was perfect. If he had only waited for one day, a lot of people wouldn't have heard that he died. They will be like:"Hey, Jesus, what up?" Then Jesus will be like :"What up? I died yesterday." And they would be all :"Er, you look pretty alive to me,dude." Then Jesus would have to explain to him how he was resurrected and how it was a miracle. And the dude will be like "OK, whatever you say bro."

Barney: And he's not going to come back on a saturday. Everybody will be busy. Doing their chores, work in a loom, trimming their beard. No, he waited the exact right number of days, three.

Barney: Plus, it's Sunday, everyone will be in church already. And everyone will be like:"Oh no, Jesus is dead." And then "BANG!" He bursts through the back door, runs up the aisle, everyone totally psyched, and FYI, that's when he invented the high-five. True story.

Maybe you don't find it funny, but it is. Seriously. True story.



i am searching for that series as well haha.

Been receiving pretty much nice comments from friends

Freddy金榮 said...

yeah. pretty good series! have to watch!

Millie said...

epic...totally epic.. love that series!