Friday, 3 April 2009

Update again

Well, my life's been going past very slowly. Snail pace slow. Glacier slow. Continental drift slow. Hell, as crazy as this may sound, I kinda miss the lifestyle in high school, where we have test like almost every day. The rush, the excitement. I know I'm going to go nuts cause I'm actually suggesting more work is better, but hell... Life's been boring..

Embedded is being a bitch as usual. Funny thing though. My program didn't even work, but the lab demonstrator still gave me full mark. I was like... "Ooookkkkkkk, so what's the catch?" LOL! 9/10 (1 mark off cause I didn't do the bonus point question) but who's complaining? The guy beside me was like WTF! His program did almost the same thing as mine, but he got 4/10! LOL! Maybe the other lab demostrator is being a bitch or something.

CS2 is becoming hell weird. I feel like I'm back in MATH1010 or something. Back to fourier transform and stuff... LOL!! Got used to David's accent. Frequency = fruitsy... SIF!

Databases... Been very behind for my labs, cause when I try to run the script in my laptop, it keeps crashing. Damn SQL! Going to try it in uni like next week or something.

Vibrations is starting to get interesting, now that the intro parts are done. I should start reading the ebook and do the freaking assignment. Should should should..

Been to the tav quite a bit these few weeks. So "quite a bit" that I started to just put my passport in my bag, so when my friends just call me, I will just go. LOL! Don't drink much though. Yeah yeah. You guys can doubt that, but it's true.

The weather here is starting to get a bit cold. Pretty sure I coming down with something. Flu, fever, cold, something disgusting. Hope I will get better soon, if not I'll be so GGed when my parents come. LOL!

Anyway, gotta go to lecture now!


P/s: 5 Seconds Mourning for Desmond's wallet... ... ... ... ... Ok.. Mourning done! Now I'll continue lauging! :D Speeding fine wtf!

P/p/s: never make promises with lionel anymore, cause he just ends up standing you up!

P/p/p/s: Need more money. Anyone? Anyone?

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