Thursday, 30 August 2007


I said I'm so gonna post this photo(above)! Guess who it is, fellow chms1's?

Today there is a weird event happening in UWA. Assassin day! It started on monday and today(thursday is the last day). At first I didn't know about it until people like sago and simon starts turning up to our C programming lab and lecture.. LOL! They dont even go to their own lecture ffs!

Assasin is basically a cat chase mouse kinda game, but instead of the tragic end which the rats always have, it is just about using shaving cream and cream people till the whole can is emptied.

But today is the last day, so my friends(I'm not involved in this event) thought:"Screw ambushing, lets just do a rampage and just cream anyone". As a very curious person I just follow along and try to catch a few photos.. Haha!!

Clive brought a wig and a pair of sunnies to avoid being creamed, but in the end the wig is all covered in cream. It is such a failure mess!

Andrew thought it would be fun to just wear Clive's wig, but he hell looks like a gurl when he wears it.. Someone actually says:"Whos that chick? Oh. It is just andrew.."
Wow, andrew!

This is simon after he got creamed the first time this morning and he retreated to the physic building toilet to clean himself up..
Way to go Simmy!

The rampage begins after our C programming lecture.. Woop! That is eileen running away after being creamed very seriously by Simon and co. ( rampage buddies: Simon, Sego, Clive, Meng Han, Jun, Yuhan, Caren and many more which I forgot..)

Since Sego smeared eileen the most, it is only natural that one-on-one combat is unevitable..

Weiner Winner: Sego!

This is Caren after being creamed by her own boyfriend Yuhan.. GG yuhan!

I said before the rampage that I'm not involving in any creaming, but Clive thought it very funny to chase me through the Oak Lawn.. LOL.. I jumped down a stair that has 10 steps and manage to live to tell the tale, though my leg kinda hurt now.. Price to pay for avoiding being creamed.. Dont want to end up like Simon in the picture below! Haha!!!

I'm now currently in uni updating all these just to spend my time, cause tonight there is a food fest, celebrating the upcoming National Day of Malaysia..

Tomorrow night Lionel is organizing a party for no reason. Then after thinking about it he decide to call it his "National Day Party".. Really looking forward to it..


Tuesday, 28 August 2007

快乐? 悲伤?






上个星期五,我在uni打篮球,打了破记录的三个钟头,打到很很很累。。最痛苦的是我忘了做warm up,结果打完就脚板痛到只能一拐一拐的走。。回到家,直接跑冷水,感觉好像再生一样。。

时间: 星期日晚上
地点: 阿良家
事件: 打边炉(有谁可以解释给我知道为什么steamboat会是打边炉?)
下午去买材料,阿良放飞机放超久。。 然后去wellington street等bus,很废的等了四十分钟,因为良看错时间表,看到weekday。。 LOL。。
铭凯? 长头发?
吓倒目瞪口呆。。以前超短发形的铭凯竟然留长发。。 靠靠靠
我的电脑被报销来看电影。。可怜。。Speaker要暴了。。Little man 确实不错看。。


Tuesday, 21 August 2007

My Life...

This is a situation you can see in most of our lectures(mainly E&E and IPE), people playing Nintendo DS! Count how many DS are there in this photo?

This week is Engineering Week! Yesterday is a kinda weird day, cause you can see a lot of ppl in the situation below(being taped to the wall)..

Game name:Get Taped to the wall
Objective:Get taped to the wall, and after pulling away the chair below, the person who can stay on the wall without falling wins!
Prize: A 50 dollar beer voucher!
This is in Chilliz, where WFC member Simon did a pretty stupid thing, that is to pour his chicken rice all over the floor.. Hell noob! In the end, he had to buy a new box of chicken rice... LOL MAN!!!

Last saturday is Simon''s party in South Perth.. Got the chance to snap this photo when I went there by ferry.. Pretty nice right? That is Perth city in the background by the way, and the water is almost as muddy as Damai..

Kuan did a pretty stupid thing during the party.. He put on the beer box and Lionel pushed it down on his head to let me take this photo.. That is Chwee Seng in the background by the way.. Why is he looking at Lionel that way? Hmm...

Chwee ''forgot'' to bring Mel, according to himself, which leaves some room for imagination.. Hmm... The party is pretty alright.. The sausage was nice, the patties was nice, and the beer is definitely nice. Although i drank only one bottle! LOL.. Waste of chance man...

The party is a joint party between Simon and Victor, and when it is the time to cut cake, they HOLD HANDS.. Whoop whoop!! Reckon Simon had a hard on.. LOL!!

Enjoy ur blowup cow, Simon.. Wish I could get a photo of it though... Hahaa!! Hell funny!

Actually today I feel so lazy to blog, thus all the photos.. Lazy to think of how to write.. Just write short paragraphs..

I HATE IPE!!!! Got my bloody essay back.. WTF! 45 marks? Fail?!!! I argue with the tutor for like 10 minutes then he finally surrender and gave me the 5 marks.. But i still feel very be song!

Now I cant be a tutor next year! Damn! All because of this IPE shit! Thanks UWA for ruining my chance for earning quick and easy money.........

Today there is free taco.. Boohoo to those who are unable to eat it! Wahaha!! Normally it is like $2 each, but cause this week is engineering week and some company sponsored it, so we have free tacos.. I got like 2 and cbb to line up any more.. LOL!!

Now go study already..

P/s: My hot dog joke is not that lame la..

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

To whom it may concern(or may not)

Today, something very weird happened! Wait.. It might be earlier! Shit!!!

My account in Friendster has been hacked! Someone must have no life and is too free to hack into my account and do shitty stuffs!

1.)Photos are being uploaded: Two photos are being uploaded, one of which is two hunky guy.. What are you suggesting? I'm gay? Sheesh! Get a life!!! The other one is two girls and a guy on a stage and the girls are only in undies! What am I? A pervert??

2.)Weird comments are posted on other's comment: This is the really weird part.. Sorry Everlyn, that is not my fault.. I never posted any shit like that, and I never will! DO I LOOK LIKE THE KIND OF PERSON TO DO THAT??????? WTF!!!

This photo is courtesy of Andu Zhang..

Click on the picture to enlarge.



To the hacker who finally got into my account, congrats.. You are my hero ladidadida.. And you are the world's largest jackass and I congratulate you on getting to the top of MY MOST HATED PEOPLE'S LIST..

Wednesday, 8 August 2007


最粗的事情是什么? 就是上有史以来最闷的lecture : IPE,当每个人都专心致志的在玩NDS玩到一半,一只鸟突然不知怎么的飞进lecture theatre。。冷掉。。而且是只乌鸦,好像在讥笑lecturer讲东西讲到很闷,很烂。。

现在我uni的朋友,十之八九都有NDS,而且还是上lecture的时候玩的。。什么叫粗? Mario Party,Tetris,Yu-Gi-Oh,Trauma Centre等等都是上lecture必定有人在玩的。。我呢? 我酱乖当然不会这样! 只是有时break的时候才玩玩一下。。Trauma Centre 超好玩!! 有关医生的故事。。有点像天生妙手一样的game。。

C programming 的lecturer 有粗!! 今天的tutorial,有一个学生问一个很基本的问题(可能是没有接触过programming吧),完完全全被own!! 那个学生有点stun掉。。好笑倾!Haiz。。跟你们讲你们也不会懂。。

一句话:我很讨厌IPE(Intro to Prof. Engineering)!!!!! 为什么? 因为我可能fail。。不想太多解释。。很伤心很伤心。。

前几天去伟达的家,看到他电脑里面的东西!maiku!! 粗倾! (没有A片,别想歪)连续集多倾倾倾!! 而且都是满新的! 要好好copy!

终于玩完God of War 2 了! 有粗! 很很很很很好好好好好好玩玩玩玩玩!!!!!

星期五晚上要兜在uni到11点。。因为有chinese society的quiz night! 希望好玩lo!

听说家仪没有在古晋了,而在新加坡! 祝他前途无亮,阿,不是不是,是前途无量!!哈哈!! 有缘再见吧,我十二年同班的同学!!

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Back in Uni

Haven't blog for a long time already.. It's a strange feeling, don't know how to explain it.. Feels so foreign.. To think last time I can spend everyday blogging, sometimes blog twice a day.. Maybe it is time I get a life..

Back in uni for two weeks or so already.. This blog is going to be quite long, so ppl with eyestrains should look away, and relax for a while.. A lot of words, no pictures, cause I feel lazy to load pictures online.. Surely you all know that?? Sheesh!

First thing first, let's welcome the newcomer in UWA: Wei Tat! Hailing from Kuching, finishing studies in CHMS1 and worked there for a moment, he came to UWA to study Civil Engineer. Let''s give him a round of applause! *clap clap* Due to his arrival, I've doomed to bring a Magic deck everyday to uni and spend a lot of time playing with him.. I should exercise some control over myself.. Sheesh! Note to self: Less Magic, More Mahjong!

Although I'm in my second semester, I'm still taking the core units, such as intro to professional engineering(IPE for short), intro to e&e engineering, Calculus,Stats and Probs(Math) and C programming.

Since i still have to take the stupid math unit, that means I still have to wake up at 530am every morning to eat breakfast and take the bus(not at the same time, if someone misunderstood me).. Up till now, I've missed my bus twice, twice looking at the back of the bus leaving without me inside.. The sentimental... Aw.. Cut that crap.. The math lecturer is one jackass, as we are not to even talk a word in his class, which makes totally no sense.. Kaseng tried discussing something with Justin, and was scolded pretty severely.. Wow! I never met someone who''s that PB, except for maybe my Form Four english teacher.. The stats teacher is one funny guy.. He has a weird accent(German, according to Lionel), and he always relates his stats stuff with footy stats, which is quite funny, since he is a Eagles fan..

IPE is the most, and I must insist on the word most, M-O-S-T boring shit lecture I''ve ever been to!!! OMG! I couldn't believe it! After managed to escape from the dreaded History after SPM, I now have to write a stupid journal on the lectures and the lecture materials! How shitty can that be? Besides, we have to shit in a lecture theatre and listen to the lecturer speak crap on what qualities an engineer should have.. Two lectures have passed and I slept an accumalated time of twenty minutes.. And I have written the longest piece of essay since i graduated from CHMS.. I thought I escaped essays.. Crap to the core!

Intro to e& e isn't bad.. I like the way it is presented.. Things I dont understand in secondary school suddenly fall into places.. The text book(actually lecture notes binded together) is pretty useful, cause it shows the easy way for us to remember things.. And lionel and yuhan have a crush on J.Henry.. OMG! Yuhan, is that text message real? Are you serious?? What about Karen? :P Nothing much to say about his unit, except it is among the best lecture i had until now...

C programming.. For those of you who thinks this is a walk in a park, you're wrong.. Except if the park is the Penang National Park.. The lecture is so freaking boring! 2 hours lecture is very tiring and soul-consuming.. Plus they chose the crappiest lecture theatre in UWA to conduct the lecture.. How bad can that be?? And to think we dont have notes at all.. I prefer Java''s way, that is to give us the whole semester''s notes, so that we can prepare for what''s going to be taught(actually I just want to escape the lectures..)The lab tutor is so freaking ga-ga.. He seems to absorb our question slowly, and takes a long time to tell us wats wrong.. Weird.. They use macs for c-programming, which is a pain in the arse since I''m a total noob in using macs..

Ok.. Enough talking about the lectures i have to take.. Lets talk about something else..

The weather here sucks like a vacuum cleaner(quote from Lionel), since it rains in a weird manner.. Rains for 5 minutes with the gloomiest sky, then sunshine pours in for the next 15 minute or so, then rains like kittens and puppies, then sunshine again, then cats and dogs.. I hate this weather.. a lot of ppl is sick already.. Hope I''m not the next one..

Havent gone to big bowl yet.. Which is a big accomplishment.. Just that I dont feel like the need of walking half the city to the shop and walk back to the bus station.. It seems like a waste of time and energy.. I wonder if Shit and Liang have been there yet.. Hmm.. Must have!

Have resat my freaking GENG1001 exam.. Not that I failed, the details are available in my previous entries, which i''m still tulan about.. This time the question is much harder than ever.. And they didn't put the answer sheets outside to be taken.. Some of my friends took the sup-sup exam and said the questions are exactly the same.. Makes sense.. But they still know the questions..

Can feel my hands starting to cramp due to the "long-ness"(i know it's length ok?) of this post.. I feel lazy to blog already.. Quite tired..

Go sleep now.. Hopefully I dont miss the bus tomolo again..(just missed it today)

See Yz