Friday 2 November 2007

Bored 无聊

Today I'm too bored and too cbf to do any work.. Been listening to Jay Chou song the whole day, try to read through all my essay plans for IPE( and some other), to not much success.. tried to study C, but once I see the shitty lecture notes, I gave up.. The lecture notes are very shitty man.. I seriously need the book....

Thursday night, a new society is formed!
Society name: Not So Elite Study Group( NSESG)
Member: Me, Peanut, Andu( The latter two are refugees from esg, and they invited me! LOL!! )
Studied the whole night till the friday morn before I went to sleep at 4am... LOL.. woke up at 7am, cause of my biological clock, and hell tired but couldn't sleep! Nia Meh!!! Nut introduced Mario Striker to me, and it was pretty alright! Pretty much done my revision for maths, just need to memorize the equations... EE, just need to get something straight..

Don't know what else to say, cause this is a random post, just because I cbf to continue on IPE.. Think i go try do some C prog..

See ya guysz

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