Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Second Semester

Semester two of my first year in university has just ended. Though it is reasonably and undoubtedly more stressful and the workload is a lot more compared to last semester, it is still quite an experience.

Most of my time in university this semester is spent doing revisions and revisions and revisions as from last semester, I realize that I didn't prepare enough. Come on guys, don't pull a gun and point it towards me! Seriously.. Last semester I will never forget the last two weeks. I am literally eat, sleep and think studies man! That is hell stressful!

Nevertheless, C programming and IPE are easily the hardest unit this semester. C programming is considered a wack job as there are two projects and our lecturer gives blurry explanation. Though some other people who have more experienced in programming might see sense in what he says, I, for one, don't. IPE, on the other hand, is just a failure. The large assignment is so time-consuming that during the last two weeks, we literally gave up on everything else and work on this project alone. That is just not right.

Maths is easy compared to last semester I think. Don't say it is not so guys. On the other hand, E & E is just moderate, and we spend most of the time commenting on Lionel's fetish towards JH! HAHAA!!

Enough of the academic part of this semester. Let's talk about social life.

WFC is flourishing ever steadily, and right now, they are all getting into WOW. Through WFC I get to know more people, such as Kwan, Jasmine, Danica, Saygoe, Simon, Eugene, and many more. Of course, I get to know TTMFH better, but I keep a distance from them as they, according to rumour, can turn straight people into gay(Dom), and normal to abnormal(Dom again)! JKING!!

This semester has its ups and downs for me. Ups include getting to know more people, NSESG(Not-So-Elite Study Group) meetings at Nut's house, group studying in Uni, parties(of course), and just get to know each other better. Downs: IPE(top of the list! Hate it!), C programming(hate doing the second project, as we are forced to stay till late in order to get more things done), the flies in summer, headaches which are getting annoying, money problem(:P), and many others.

Well, like what Forrest Gump says, life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you get. Likewise, we have to live life to its fullest and accept what is offered, and make the most of it. I tried but I know I still have room for improvement. I will be delighted if anyone gives me any advice on how to change, as friends are like mirrors in which we see our weaknesses.

Hope next year will be a better year, but as many of us are going to pursue different areas of engineering or expertises, it will be harder to get in touch. Hope that will now happen!

See ya round!

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

NBA is back!

Well, I know not many ppl watch NBA, but I love it, and I love blogging about it, so just keep your crap to yourselves!

This season, a few things are changed.
(1) Kevin Garnet, Ray Allen and Paul Pierce, aka "New Big Three", are leading the Celtics to the best start since the original Big Three, which incidentally won the Championship in their final year. Coincidence?

(2) T-Mac and Yao are flying the Rockets to new heights. T-Mac(for once) is not burdened by injury, and is playing his best in years.

(3) Suns are barely scrapping wins here and there. Feel kinda sad.... But Nash is, if not better, on the same stage as he left off last season - perfect. When his teammates aren't doing that good, he just jumps out and gains control. Example: In one game, Suns is losing by 10 points in the late fourth quarter, and he just score 11 in a row without giving the opponent a chance to fight back, leading the team to a victory. That is what I call a MVP!

(4) Dwayne Wade has become a nobody, with injuries troubling him. But O'Neil is playing his best games since he is in Heats, although he is in his late thirties. +10 Respect Points to him!

Well, more to come.

P/S: Good luck Andu in ur elec test!
P/P/S : I finished my exam! Going to blog about that soon! Today... CBB!!!!!!!!

Monday, 12 November 2007


Cool Anagrams:
"Desperation" - A Rope Ends It

"The Morse Code" - Here Come Dots

"Snooze Alarms" - Alas! No More Z's

"Eleven plus two" - Twelve plus one

"A Decimal Point" - I'm a Dot in Place

Q. Did you hear about the guy who lost his left arm and leg in a car crash?
A. He's all right now.

Q. Did you hear about the man who was tap dancing?
A. He broke his ankle when he fell into the sink.

Q. What lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches?
A. A nervous wreck.

Q. What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup?
A. Anyone can roast beef.

Q. Where do you find a no legged dog?
A. Right where you left him.

You should always give 100% at work...
12% Monday; 23% Tuesday; 40% Wednesday; 20% Thursday; 5% Friday

Q. What do you call a cow with no legs?
A. Ground beef.

Q. Did you hear about the new "divorced" Barbie doll that they're selling in stores now?
A. It comes with all of Ken's stuff.

Q. Did you hear about the blind man who went bungee jumping?
A. He loved it, but it scared the hell out of his dog.

Q. Why don't cannibals eat clowns?
A. Because they taste funny.

Q. What do you call a deer with no eyes?
A. No-Eye Deer. (sound like No Idea)

Q. What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs?
A. Still no eye deer.

Q. What do you call a deer with no eyes, no legs, and no sexual organs?
A. Still no fucking eye deer.

Q. Did you hear that Fed Ex and UPS are going to merge?
A. Yeah. They're going to call it FED UP!

Friday, 9 November 2007

A bunch of Addicts

IPE is over, and so is EE! So happy! Now for maths and c

Peanut is addicted to mario striker and dbz
Zhang is addicted to his laptop and Cat
Lionel is addicted to study
Leong is addicted to Dani and Dota
Kaseng is addicted to music and uni studying
and I am addicted to Tetrinet.. Curse you Leong...

Tuesday, 6 November 2007



这首歌是我的最爱! 真的是太美妙了!

作词:方文山 作曲:周杰伦

这街上太拥挤 太多人有秘密 玻璃上有雾气在被隐藏起过去
妳脸上的情绪 在还原那场雨 这巷弄太过弯曲走不回故事里

这日子不再绿 又斑驳了几句 剩下搬空回忆的我在大房子里
电影院的座椅 隔遥远的距离 感情没有对手戏妳跟自己下棋

描述我如何爱妳 妳却微笑的离我而去

#这感觉 已经不对 我努力在挽回
 一些些 应该体贴的感觉 我没给
 妳嘟嘴 许的愿望很卑微 在妥协
 是我忽略 妳不过要人陪

*这感觉 已经不对 我最后才了解
 一页页 不忍翻阅的情节 妳好累
 妳默背 为我掉过几次泪 多憔悴
 而我心碎妳受罪 妳的美 我不配

Saturday, 3 November 2007

LOL.. Fail Much

Left my ee notes in uni! My day just gets better and better....

Been listening to nothing except for jay chou for these three days.. I think i'm addicted to this album already..

Ipe is wtfftw! I am so doomed for it...

Been reading a lot of Garfield.. I know it is a very stupid comic, but hey! A guy has to find somewhere to relieve his stress right? Found this one site that has every one of the comic.. Year, month, day, every day there is a comic strip..This is the link if anyone want to go read it

Friday, 2 November 2007

Bored 无聊

Today I'm too bored and too cbf to do any work.. Been listening to Jay Chou song the whole day, try to read through all my essay plans for IPE( and some other), to not much success.. tried to study C, but once I see the shitty lecture notes, I gave up.. The lecture notes are very shitty man.. I seriously need the book....

Thursday night, a new society is formed!
Society name: Not So Elite Study Group( NSESG)
Member: Me, Peanut, Andu( The latter two are refugees from esg, and they invited me! LOL!! )
Studied the whole night till the friday morn before I went to sleep at 4am... LOL.. woke up at 7am, cause of my biological clock, and hell tired but couldn't sleep! Nia Meh!!! Nut introduced Mario Striker to me, and it was pretty alright! Pretty much done my revision for maths, just need to memorize the equations... EE, just need to get something straight..

Don't know what else to say, cause this is a random post, just because I cbf to continue on IPE.. Think i go try do some C prog..

See ya guysz

Thursday, 1 November 2007


Not bad an album! I give it an overall of 8.5/10! Still think "Fantasy" is better though!

Well, I think I will buy the originals, but to quench my thirst, I downloaded them all! :D

Links are as below :
1. 最长的电影
2. 牛仔很忙
3. 彩虹
4. 青花瓷
5. 阳光宅男
6. 蒲公英的约定
7. 无双
8. 我不配
10. 甜甜的

Just right click and save as target.. Easy job!

It is really good compared to 七里香 and 十一月的萧邦.. The slow tempo musics are very nice! Very very ulti superbly nice! As for the fast tempo one... I think 甜甜的sounds weird, but that is just me!

Just comment on what you think about this album! Want to know what everyone think about this album!
