Sunday, 19 October 2008


Wow, a weekend is going to be over just like that.. let's see what i have done so far:

(1) Finished two levels of picross on DS
(2) Finished N+ for DS
(3) Done half of my individual report for mechatronic project
(4) Done laundary
(5) Manga reading (FMA, Naruto, Bleach, Bakuman...)
(6) Made notes for software engineering, and read through past papers for it.


I think that is basically it... Man, been wasting so much time reading manga and playing ds. I think it is time i stop playing the ds emulator, and stop manga reading until end of exam. So right now, I hereby declare war against myself: not to read manga, not to play ds, not to watch series (except how I met your mother! AWESOME SERIES), not to play ps2.... Basically anything that is entertaining, I hereby stop myself from touching them....

Hopefully i will be able to get some good results in the end... SIGH!!!

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

48-hour day!

Exam timetable is out.. Mine is monday wednesday monday tuesday! HOORAY! That means I get to laugh at ppl who finish at the end of the week! :D That includes u too Des!

Well, since the timetable is out, that means it is closing in on me like I am a cornered cat. Sigh... Not done much yet, so yeah, a bit screwed right now! Stuck on two projects atm and don't have time to study until study break.... CRies! Wish I have 48 hours in a day, with 24 hours for me to sleep...

That makes me wonder, what if we REALLY do have 48 hours a day? Would us humans sleep for 24 hours and stay awake for 24 hours? Would we enjoy 24 hours of sunlight and 24 hours of moonlight? Life's just weird. It stays the way it is, but I wonder, what changes will there be if we Do have 48 hours a day. Would be hell fun though, don't you think? Boy... I can hear these conversation going on already:

"Hey dude! Let's go play ball!"
"Oh yeah? What time?"
"Erm... Let's make it 22:00am!"

And what about meals? Do us humans evolve enough to only eat 3 meals a 48-hour day? It's like eating 1.5 meals in a regular day... Brrr.. can't bear the thought!

And what about school work? Do we have to attend school for a longer duration of time? If we do, then I would rather commit suicide samurai style! The regular school hours is tough enough already! LOLz!

Well, this is just some random thought that just came up when I started this blog wanna bitch about the stupid projects that I was doing, but ended up with an interesting view of life. :D

And oh yeah, Jay chou's new album is out! I am a firm believer in pirated stuff, so I downloaded the song 2-3 weeks before the release date, so yeah... So what Jiun? Bite me! Only like 3-4 songs in this album. Can feel his standard slipping way under the radar already. Dude... Put more soul in your song and stay on your course. Don't try some other style that even your editor doesn't like! HAHA!

Anyway, gotta go... Got a lecture coming up!

Peace out ya all!

Monday, 13 October 2008


Things to do during holiday:
(1) Burn my notes for mechatronics cause it is freaking useless!
(2) Go-Karting
(3) Learn tennis
(4) Sleep a whole day!
(5) Work work work.... Too bad aussie's dropping faster than the ball that Galileo thrown down from the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
(6) Play some Dota! Haven't touch that shit for a whole half year... Enfos for the win!
(7) Go to the beach! Haven't been there before. So yeah! Gonna be an experience.
(8) Rock climbing.. Total noob though! Hopefully I can make it through with my big fat body!
(9) Chill out with friends.
(10) Go back Kuching and hopefully get a vacation work.
(11) Play PTQs and hopefully get a free air ticket to Kyoto! (wistful thinking I know)
(12) Clear out my external hard disk cause it is full of anime, series and manga. Probably will buy a new one, but that depends how much money I earn during the hols.

Things to do when I get back to Kuching:
(1) Kueh Chap, laksa, beef noodle...........................
(2) Meet up with friends
(3) Buy stuff to bring back to aus
(4) Be a good co-host for Nut and Kaseng

Cant think about anything for now.. Surely there is some more stuffs that I want to do! I'll keep updating this list.

Sigh.. Thinking about the holidays keep me less depressed right now.. All those projects and assignments and all those crap that have to be done.. ARFGHHHHH!!!!

Anyway, have a nice day guys!

Thursday, 9 October 2008

The (Not-So) Amazing Race

Read Here

Too lazy to blog ffs! :D So just read one fo my friend's blog about this event.

P/s: I really am half crippled now.. Can't walk normally.. Sigh! Need more workout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!