Thursday, 28 June 2007

At the airport

Now I'm blogging at the airport.. Standing man! How much more dedication do you want to ask for? :P... Anyway, I brought my laptop along, thinking I can use free broadband, but who knows? I forgot to bring my lan cable! LOL SIF GG!!

No chinese, no photos, no nothing.. HELL GG! So have to resort to blogging in english..

Last night went to the airport around 7pm, a bit too early, but I checked in first none the less, and I regretted the moment I told the guy I want window seat... GG!! Should have chosen aisle seats... Ah well...

Went into the departure lounge around 8pm, and regretted not bringing a book to read! High chin!! Have to ku there for 1 1/2 hours! How sad that is! Plus my Ipod Shuffle looks like it is going to be dead in a second so very kiu..

The 5 hours on the plane is so freaking boring! I spell it again, B-O-R-I-N-G!!!!! Have nothing to do! Freaking hell! No entertainment and shit like tat! Tried to sleep, but can't sleep! WTH!! At home can sleep like a log, on the plane cannot! Freak! On the same flight with Andrew Leong and his siblings.. Feel so "Xian Mu" they sleep like... something that sleep always...

When I arrived, I collected my luggage and the guy called me to go for custom check.. SIF man!! Like I'm gonna bring drugs... Do i look like someone who does drug trafficking? Honestly!!! (OK, you can shut up lionel and leong.. SIF!)

The moment I step out of the budget terminal, I have absolutely no idea where to go! Mind go blank totally.. Luckily I saw a shuttle bus and I remembered.. Sheesh!! Went on the bus and got to terminal 2...

Ate Mcdonald's "Big" Breakfast.. Sif big.. It is just two piece of toasted bread and a piece of meat and some scrambled egg.. And a hashbrown if i missed that.. SIF BIG!

Went to check in... Leong and his siblings had some problem with their ticket.. Ku there with them. See I so enough friend! Actually cause I have like 10 hours to kill and I just plainly wants to find things to do to kill them!

SIX more hours to go! Freaking hell!

Er... Maybe later I come back to blog again! Now I stand and blog man.. Tough on the leg.. Maybe I'll sit down and play some game! Shit!

See yua!

Thursday, 21 June 2007


This blog is gonna be in English, cause my uni friends also wants to read.. cause it is hell frustrating.. every engineering student will be hell shitty and wants to kill the examiner if they receive this kind of email in their student account..

Well, here goes nothing...

Dear student

I am writing to inform you of circumstances relating to the examination of GENG1001 Introduction to Engineering Mechanics, conducted on the morning of June 14th 2007. It is essential that you read the information below.

Unfortunately, due to a series of unfortunate incidents that took place during the exam, the exam script that you submitted on June 14th cannot be used for assessment within GENG1001. These incidents included the exam solutions being handed out during the exam itself, the exam solutions being handed to students as they left the venue while other students were still sitting the exam, and the very large number of queries that arose during the exam which I understand caused some disruption. We have a responsibility to all students to ensure that no student/s experience an unfair advantage or disadvantage during an examination, and unfortunately the examination held on June 14th did not meet this standard.

You will therefore be required to re-sit the GENG1001 exam during the first week of second semester, on Wednesday July 25th at 2pm, in Winthrop Hall. The exam will have the same format and duration (3 hr 10 min) as the June 14 exam.

I acknowledge that re-sitting the exam is highly undesirable for all of you, and I have not taken this action lightly. This is the first time in our Faculty''s history that such action has been taken.

In order to minimise disruption to your other studies, we will cancel any lectures and laboratories in Engineering and Maths units, that would be scheduled for the afternoon of July 25th. We will also ensure that no Engineering and Mathematics assignments will be due in that first week of Semester. We will also be happy to provide letters requesting special consideration to coordinators of units taught outside our Faculty where there are lectures/laboratories scheduled for that afternoon or assignments due around that time.

Please note that any student who has been granted a deferred exam for GENG1001, will be required to sit the exam on July 25th at 2pm in Winthrop Hall, with the rest of the GENG1001 cohort.

I sincerely apologize for this situation, and hope that you understand that we are working towards an equitable outcome for all of you.

And you promised me(us, watever!) a FAIR solution? This is hell not fair! RESIT FOR A TEST? THAT IS NEVER HEARD BEFORE! WAT THE FUCK IS THAT KIND OF LOGIC! DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!

Plus not everyone received the stupid answer sheet.. And that is like for 5 minutes only! WHO THE FREAK CARES!

THAT IS HELL NOT FAIR FOR US!!! TO THINK WE HAVE TO STUDY DURING OUR HOLS! Somemore I'll be in kch during the hols! I thought studying in Kuching is over already! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!

THIS IS SOME KIND OF NIGHTMARE.. I KNOW IT IS.. maybe if i go to sleep and when i wake up, everything might be OK....


SHIT! everything is still the same! T.T

So much for holidays...

WHY DO WE HAVE TO PAY FOR SOMETHING THE EXAMINERS SCREW UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fellow geng comrades, anyone who wants to burn down the stupid engineering building, lets gather round and burn it to crisp..

Joking... not angry till like that! but almost!

shit.. I can almost imagine me studying and doing jellyfish in kuching..


Sunday, 17 June 2007

Weirdest and most tulan phone call ever...

Me: Hello?
Caller: Hello? Hai! I'm from Optus(one of the phone company here, which is weird, cause I'm using Virgin Mobile).
Me: Er... Yeah.. Can I help you?(Trying to be courteous)
Caller: Ah Yeah, there's this new package, that I thought you might be interested.
Me: Let me ask you first, how did you get my number in the first place?
Caller: Never mind about that!(First rudeness)
me: Er... Ok!
Caller: This package is very good one.(The guy is an Indian) If you sign up to this package, we will give you a new phone.
Me: Er.. But I'm already on a package right now.(Which is true)
Caller: You still can have a new one, right? (Laugh to self)
Me: -.-|| (OKkkkk...., starting to get a bit creepy and frustrating)
Me: I'm not interested, but thanks anyway.
Caller: Wait! There's a new phone, a (some model, can't remember)!
Me: I'm not interested... (Uneasy, trying to get of the stupid phone call politely)Er, I'm driving right now, so forgive me for hanging up!(Which i am not, cause i have no licence and no car here)
Caller: You're driving and talking on the phone at the same time? Now, if you sign up for this package, i won't tell anyone about this.
Me: !!! (How rude can you be!! WTF!)

I just pressed the red button on my phone and go:"WHAT THE FXXK!!!!!!"

What do you call a sheep with no leg?
A cloud.

Thursday, 14 June 2007


从星期一开始就是我在uni的第一个semester exam。。是kiu chin chin! 整整整个non-teaching study break都在念书,我觉得统考的时候我都没有这么pia! 我的一群书友也说他们在TEE(他们的统考)也没有那么用功!可能是因为我们是international student,需要还双倍以上的价钱才能够来到这个uni来念吧!粗勒!可是这里的local读书厉害的厉害,差的却差到爆乳!


回归正传,星期一是physic(乃是我最怕的考试)。。幸好放在第一天,没有的话。。幸好今年的题目都算满容易的。。唯有heat and thermodynamic今年比以往几年都难。。electric还算有人性一点。。可能是教授知道他教的太烂了,所以没有刁难我们。哈哈!!! 当天下午就和书友们留在library学星期三的maths。。可是由于某种原因(lionel,你太吵了!),所以两个钟头后就回家。。在bus上面不懂为何那么满!干!但是林北高超的睡功又发威了,站着睡!你能吗?

星期二,整天在家pia maths!这里的maths跟一中的比,简直就是没得比。。不要误会,我是说这里的实在难到爆乳!LOL! 什么taylor polynomial, power series, kernel什么tulan东西,一念就头痛。。

星期三,考试虽然在下午,可是一大清早就跑到uni哽书。。一进考场,唯一能讲的话是:冷!!! 他妈没牙! 冷倾!! 穿jacket还那么冷!吊!maths又没人性般难!(我在说出题者) 什么东西不问,就问我不大会的东西!分明跟我作对!考完试就510了,回到家就600,冲凉,吃饭,搞到来都700了!还没念到书勒!痛苦!! 念到12,眼睛张不开了。。set alarm(注意这点),就去睡觉!


没有念到什么就这样(学ah bird还是不知谁)空枪上阵。。幸好有惊无险。。题目还跟以前考题很相似。。所以pass没有问题!yata!!
地点:Winthrop hall(考试地点)
事件:考官不小心发下答案卷。。ROMBLOL!!!! 简直就笑场麻。。。可惜没有分到我这里他们就发现错了!!据说是有一个没头没脑的教官跟其他教官说那是参考资料。。。 LOL! 所以有头有脑的教官就叫每个人望天花板,望到所有answer sheet收完为止!简直就。。。

每个人在这时候都考完试了。。可是。。我还要ku着到下个星期三。。就是因为那个可恨的java!为什么不要早点!!! 但也好。。因为。。我还没动到。。GFG!!





Thursday, 7 June 2007


"Tomolo go big bowl eat, don't tell me you want to study and don't come. 1130 at train station"...


明天就这样约好在train station见面,然后去大碗面吃!


(1)630一醒,整理东西,准备去uni读书!是study group!很粗的study group!里面就有两个lodge school 的hiong ka!
(2)1130 meet XL CX 他们!

不是我要那么pia woi!只是这次考试能决定我能不能够得到这里的奖学金,如果能的话,简直就GFG!而成绩不好的话,就diao lo!

最近有几天都是在uni度过!LIbrary做工的人,可以不要这样pu bo 吗?两个钟头一到,就赶我们出study room! walao!



还是说说今天吧!去uni,就去library念书!看到Andrew Zhang到了,就去join他!之后lionel和他女朋友也来了!还没真正念到书,就两个钟头!原来Zhang一早就到,早就借了!GFG!就到engineering building的其中一间空着的房间,就在那里念到1pm那样!之后来了一批人,说他们现在有tutorial!哈?study break 也有tutorial? LOL! 又搬家。。 搬到computer lab 那里念!不爽!




Saturday, 2 June 2007


有看我的部落格的都知道我在uni闲空的时候做什么!没错!就是跑到cameron loft那里去玩麻将!



昨天是很笃光弟弟的一天!为什么?因为我搭了一小时的bus去uni只为了上一堂lecture!干!之后就有朋友讲去麻将,到了会所底楼(会所在一个独立的建筑物的顶楼),才发现通往楼梯的门锁住!瓦靠!我们一班友都很笃光弟弟!门锁的原因很简单:开门的学生今天没来!!!瓦靠! 不得不搭多一个小时的bus回家!





昨天看电视,有关Warner Bros.将在2009年开放哈利波特游乐场!超干!而且看起来还满架势一下的!肯定能够像Disneyworld一样成功!
据说有以下的special features:
(3)Hogwarts Castle重现!据说是由和做戏中的Castle的设计组一样。。肯定会很geng一下!

(2)最后一本,Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,在预购方面,在美国而已,就有12 million了! 超恐怖!
(4)7月13日的Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix肯定会爆满!你知道为什么吗?因为第七本书在八天后出版! lol!!

