Sunday, 27 September 2009


The damn workload is killing me.

Nuf said.

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Holiday Gloom

Despite all the complaints during uni time about how the holidays will be a bliss, I find that this study break ain't nothing like what I expected.

Projects, meetings, assignments, reports! GAH!

Believe it or not, I have been to uni during the study break more than I had during any given week during uni time. That's how much I have been going to uni. WTF! Study break! It's supposed to be a break for study, not break TO study!

The lecturers just decided to do this: "Oh, how are we supposed to screw up the students' break? I know, by setting assignments, and setting projects for them to do! "

And one more thing, my graphics project is not out yet, despite all the big talk from our lecturer. "Oh, I'll release it on Friday (before study break)". Now we are at Saturday of study break. Go Davies! (...)

Sigh... And uni's back on Monday. Go me...




最近超煩的!雖然說是放期中假,但是我還是好像每天都去大學似的。真的是豈有此理!Meeting 啦,project啦,交assignment啦。。 這些人都不知道會不會用腦的。。他媽的!

再來説說我的近況吧。最近才發現到,寄人籬下的痛苦。我看啊,如果今年年尾我能夠賺夠錢的話,我鐵定搬出去,好過在家受人氣。 Haiz。。

哇塞。。 突然發現華文超難打的。 都不知道以前是怎麽打的。。 太生疏的關係吧。。看來是時候再來訓練訓練一下了。

前天去大學的時候,本來是想要去健身室去的,但是突然發現沒有帶學生卡。。吊。。 害我不知道要幹嗎。。但是好在籃球場有幾個人在打球,我就心血來潮,心想好久沒打,看有沒有退步。結果。。。 退超多的!射十粒才進兩三粒罷了。。 哇靠。。 看來又是時候再練習練習一下了。但是問題就在很少人打啊。。。 真是左右爲難。。。

最近瘋上了Mafia Wars 跟 Mouse hunt, 都是FB的遊戲。大家可以試看看。