Saturday, 22 November 2008

Ok, let's look back at the list of things I said I will do during the holidays.

Things to do during holiday:
(1) Burn my notes for mechatronics cause it is freaking useless! - Decided se not to, cause I am scared that I will fail this unit! Totally fucked up one question in exam!!!!!!!!!
(2) Go-Karting - Not yet
(3) Learn tennis - No one plays with me..... CRIES!!!
(4) Sleep a whole day - On the contrary! Been waking up at fucking 7am everyday! WTF! I am so pissed off at myself! Don't know why!!
(5) Work work work.... Too bad aussie's dropping faster than the ball that Galileo thrown down from the Leaning Tower of Pisa. - Not much work for me.. Probably apply for somewhere else soon, like Maccas.
(6) Play some Dota! Haven't touch that shit for a whole half year... Enfos for the win! - Played on thursday with Nut and Andu. Got pawned totally! like seriously pawned!
(7) Go to the beach! Haven't been there before. So yeah! Gonna be an experience. - Not yet, or won't
(8) Rock climbing.. Total noob though! Hopefully I can make it through with my big fat body! - Probably not, but will do it in Kuching with Lionel when Nut and Uncao come to Kuching.
(9) Chill out with friends. - Been doing it a lot recently. Heck, I'm even doing this blog at Lionel's house. Haha!
(10) Go back Kuching and hopefully get a vacation work. - Probably not vacation work.
(11) Play PTQs and hopefully get a free air ticket to Kyoto! (wistful thinking I know) - Sigh, probably get bad results for it.. Really hope I do well.
(12) Clear out my external hard disk cause it is full of anime, series and manga. Probably will buy a new one, but that depends how much money I earn during the hols. - Hopefully get enough money for 1TB!!!!!

So far holidays I have been doing:
(1) Clearing my room: Finally I can see my floor.
(2) Clearing my card collection: Been a fucking mess, ffs.
(3) Reinstalled dota into my com
(4) Watch pokemon: Yeah, lame, I know. But it is good memories when you watch it again! :D
(5) Went hog's breath with Lionel, Nut, Andu, Kaseng, Desryl, Victor, Ming, Scarlet, Bentley, Adam, Buzz, Yuhan, Timmy, and many others (mainly WFC)

Well, today is very boring for all I care... Didn't do anything productive! :< It is so bored... Too much free time can kill! Wished I had a more stable job which I can do like everyday.

Anyway, it is lkike 1248 at night... So I probably will go home soon..

Lazy to type already, so it's up till here for now then


Tuesday, 11 November 2008


Well, dynamics came out of the blue and pissed all over me....

Now, digital system.... Technically I passed the unit already, but so have a lot of people. Therefore, I am afraid that they will be scaling down the unit. Hopefully I rape the exam and it will bear good grades for me

After that, five days to study for software and mechatronics.. Don't know enough or not.. But hopefully I'll manage!

Countdown to freedom: 7 days!


Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Exam Period

Exam countdown : 6 days
Freedom countfown : 15 days

Can't wait can't wait!!!! Now I make a resolution to myself! No more manga and ds for these days!!!!! Been reading quite a lot of manga these few days.. It's as if I don't know how to spell "death"! Sigh....

Study plan:
Study break: "Ciong" dynamics and digital systems
After wednesday next week: "Pia" software engineering and mechatronics...

Should be ok la!

Last saturday went to uni to study with desmond, cheryl, lionel, timmy, harshana, ronald. Didn't do much, just one mechatronics article, one lecture and one exam paper.. Hell fail! Went nando's for lunch... Went to some Italian restaurant at Albany for dinner with Desryl, Mel & Nut (these two couples in the couples table) , Nick (white) , Ronald, Lionel (the rest are in singles table).. Had a good one, I ordered Fettucine Carbonara, and had something else... i remember mussels and another dish that has stuff on top of a garlic bread, which is the bomb! Hmm...

Went back to lionel's house.. Me nut and mel resorted to study, since I myself didn't do much that arvo, but the others watch some musical movie, which provided music for me, though I don't watch it! :D

Now back to study MECH!! God damn it! This is ridiculous! Wish we still had Dianne Hesterman to set questions.. Now we had Brian Stone! He is a good lecturer.. but his questions.. CRIES! And while I'm at it.... THOMAS BRAUNL IS A DOUCHEBAG! end of discussion!

Oh welz... WIsh everyone good luck in their exams! Ciaoz