Friday, 5 September 2008


Sigh.. Was looking back at all the photos that me and my high school mates took together and think about all the fun stuff (and not so fun stuff) that we did together.

From a stupid game called Bang! that me, Xiao Liang and Ing Zheng, who played it the most, and even during class, to Ing Zheng and co. doing "business" at the canteen... Sigh, the good times. I remember the teacher walking up to us and tell us off for playing game during class, and we still continued playing after she left.

And let's not forget about the basketball games that we all had during high school time. Usually after PE lesson or before it, and sometimes after school and during the evening, me and the basketball gang just go to the basketball court to play the game we all love. Although arguments can happen, but in the end, we are all still good friends.

Well, one of the things that I find is useless in high school is being a prefect. Being a prefect in my school means only one thing: If you don't do anything wrong, your displine score will be above 90! That's just freaking retarded. Well, I try to do the things I need to, but in the end, it is just not that much work. Hopefully the system is better now, cause it was pretty pathetic at that time.

Life in high school is so much different from uni, for my high school at the very least. Firstly, we had 3-4 tests a week, and sometimes we even have two tests on the same day. That situation goes even worse during the final year, where we are tested about everything we learnt during high school. That has got to be the worst year of high school for me. At the same time, it is also the best year. I got closer with my friends, and learned lots of shit that proved to be useful in uni. LOl!

Anyway, just post comments if you want to be a part of this reminiscing process.
